The runtime core of the REXYGEN system (RexCore) is the cornerstone of your automation device. Running on top of the operating system, it coordinates the execution of your algorithms. It also provides access to input and output signals of the platform through the modular system of REXYGEN I/O drivers.
- Wide family of supported devicesFrom servers, industrial PCs and PLCs to single board computers
- Platform independentNo vendor lock-in!
- Programmable with a single mouse clickNo cross-compilation, no complex toolchains, all you need is the REXYGEN Studio on a standard PC or laptop
- Integrated webserver for web-based visualizationDisplay HMI screens or dashboards on any panel, tablet or smartphone
- Easy integration into business IT infrastructureData exchange with ERP/BMS systems via database connection and cloud solutions via e-mail notifications or HTTP GET/POST requests
- Secure by design, ready for the futureEncrypted communication supported, IPv6 ready
- Open by designRead any data, adjust any parameter... Via REST API in real-time!
- 1Collect data from sensors and devices

- 2Execute your algorithms with millisecond precision

- 3Command actuators and control other devices

Input and output signals, external devices
- Direct inputs and outputsDigital inputs (DI), digital outputs (DO), analog inputs (AI), analog outputs (AO), thermocouples, encoders, ...
- Modbus TCP or RTU devicesInput-output units, servo drives, sensors, energy meters etc.
- Communication with Siemens PLCsSupport for LOGO! and S7 product lines (Ethernet connectivity)
- Connection to database systemsSupport for MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB etc. (via ODBC)
- Devices with generic RS-232 or RS-485 serial interfaceVendor-specific communication protocols (signal analyzers, solar inverters, battery chargers etc.)
- Systems or software solutions with generic TCP or UDP communicationData in, data out, you are the boss
- Devices with generic SPI, I2C or UART communicationSensors, A/D and D/A converters, transcievers, etc.
- 1-Wire sensors and actuatorsPopular communication bus for low-cost solutions
- Data files on local or remote storageRead data in, process data, write data out...
- Arbitrary script/program executable in the operating systemWhen the native built-in features do not meet your needs...