0302-03 REST API Python Bash etc

Example Projects > 0302 IoT Integrations > 0302-03 REST API Python Bash etc

REST API example

The source files located in this folder illustrate how to inject data into a running algorithm using REST API of REXYGEN Runtime Core.

The individual subfolders contain scripts and programs in various programming languages.

In all scripts, there are individual HTTP POST requests for writing data of all common types: double, long, Boolean and string.

Timing of the project

The REX algorithm runs each 100 milliseconds (0.1 s). See the EXEC function block,
tick x ntick0 = 0.05 x 2 = 0.1


  • REXYGEN Runtime Core must be installed and running on the target device.
  • The target device is assumed to have IP address
  • User admin and password mypassword is assumed on the target device.

Running the example

  • The *exec.mdl file is the project main file.
  • Open it with REXYGEN Studio.
  • Compile and download it to the target device.
  • Switch to Watch mode and observe the displayed values.
  • Run any of the provided scripts. The values in REXYGEN algorithm will be overwritten by the values defined in the script.


Additional information

  • Visit the REXYGEN webpage for more information about the example projects and developing advanced automation and control solutions using REXYGEN.